Multi-Wheel Online Roulette
Online gaming has revolutionized online poker as well as online gambling. New horizons were opened up and never before noticed possibilities were exploited in the various games. Multi-tabling was doubtlessly one of the biggest innovations of the online poker era. It allowed players for the first time to make micro-stakes grinding lucrative, by raising their hourly rates through the sheer volume of hands they could now cram into the hour.
The object of multi-wheel online roulette is the same: it is designed to allow players to turn over a much larger amount of money much faster. Multi-wheel roulette games offer several roulette wheels (a usual number is 8) which players can activate by simply clicking on them. This way, it is up to the player to decide exactly how many wheels he wants to play at. It is indeed possible to play at a single wheel as well. Other than this feature, the game works exactly like standard roulette: players can place multiple bets on several wheels and spin for it. The games include pre-determined bets such as the ones used in live casinos too.
Is there a mathematically sound logic behind playing multi-wheel poker though? As far as the numbers are concerned, we have to say that there isn’t any, maybe some limited bonus-redemption benefits in casinos which accept roulette for this purpose. The house edge is multiplied this way, allowing the house to make a lot more money off the player over the same period of time. Roulette cannot be beaten, therefore the analogy with multi tabling in poker doesn’t hold any water. In poker, one assumes that a player is able to create a positive long term EV. Only with such positive expected value does multi-tabling make any sense in poker too. Since one can never hope to achieve such positive EV at roulette, multi tabling is nothing more than a simple artifice meant to provide some level of innovation to the age-old casino staple.
Get your rakeback from The site was founded way back in 2004, being one of the first online poker providers out there.